Friday, March 22, 2013

PART 2: A Conversation With An Angel

A Golden Ring  

by Virginia Earl

Another day came by…
And at dusk…
The little girl sat by the window once more.
She closed her eyes and waited…
At a distance a white light
Filtered through a curtain of white mist
She opened her eyes and saw her again…


Have you been wishing for me to return?
Little Girl: Yes…
A: I know what’s in your heart.

LG: Will someone ever find the key? 
A: We are not sure… It isn’t just about someone…
LG: What do you mean?
A: You see some things in life are like puzzles.
LG: What do you mean like puzzles?
A: There are tons of life puzzles floating around, all around us.
And sometimes when the right pieces fall together without much effort...
That’s when magic happens. Just like fairies sprinkling pixie dust.
Pay attention not to what is said but to what is not said.
As the pieces fall into place.
LG: I don’t understand… what do you mean?
Who is going to put the pieces together?
A: I cannot tell you that.
LG: Why not?
A: Because it’s a secret. I am an Angel.
Angels cannot reveal certain things.
LG: Whose Angel are you?
A: Your mommy’s Angel.
LG: You are?
A: Yes and there are several of us watching over her. Remember that time when you told her you saw God standing next to her and he asked you to tell her that everything was going to be fine and that he loves her?
LG: Yes. I do. Why are there so many of you watching over her?
A: Because your mommy is very, very special. She feels things and sees things in ways that very few humans do and for all the gifts that she carries inside, we need to watch over her and be kind to her. She’s been in and out of time many times and we all need her.
LG: What do you mean by in and out of time many times?
A: She’s here for a very special reason and someday you’ll know.
LG: I hope so. Who will tell me?
A: Nobody will. You’ll find the answers on your own.
LG: Will that be the day that someone finds the key too…?
A: Maybe. It’s hard to say.
LG: We need to find the key Angel please…, please… help her.
A: I will try to help her… but the puzzle pieces have to be aligned at the right time and in the right place… You see my dear… life is about cycles… and there are several cycles along the way… imagine a special golden ring that whirls and whirls… and when it whirls you see the same ring duplicate several times... sometimes the ring stops in the right place and at the right time and sometimes it doesn’t because we don’t let it or because we’re afraid of letting it stop and so we let it whirl endlessly when the answer is right in front of us…
LG: I am scared.
A: I know you are. Just be kind and patient with your mommy. Now close your eyes and imagine someone finding the key, the puzzle pieces coming together and the special golden ring stopping in the right place and at the right time.
LG: But I want to know…
A: Now, now, now. Just close your eyes love. We all need to watch over your mommy. We all need her and we’re doing everything to keep her safe. So don’t worry for now. Remember, as your mommy always says…, “There’s always tomorrow.”
LG: But how long will all this take?
A: It may take a few years… maybe less. It’s hard to say. It depends too on everyone around her. She will need the help of those closest to her.  Now close your eyes. It’s time for me to go back now. When you need me, just close your eyes and I will come to you. Good-bye love and don’t forget to tell your mommy we all love her and that we’re watching over her every day and every night. I love you.
LG: I am so scared…
A: I know love... I know... There's nothing to be scared about. Would you like me to lie down next to you and hold you while you go to sleep?
LG: Yes, I would. Thank you. I am very sleepy now. I love you. Good night Angel.
A: I love you too. Close your eyes and float away into dreamland.  I will protect you and keep you warm with my wings.
Good night love.

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